Discover Your Soul Destiny


Do you feel like there's a piece missing from your life puzzle?

Are you frustrated by obstacles or self-limiting beliefs that seem to repeatedly block your path, leaving you feeling stuck?

Do you ever contemplate whether there's a greater purpose or untapped potential waiting for you to discover?

As a certified Soul Plan Practitioner, I’ll take the letters of your birth name and translate them into your Soul Plan. Your name is like the barcode you came into this lifetime with. It carries invaluable information that will move you forward with much more ease, clarity and purpose.

When I had my own Soul Plan reading a few years ago, previously locked doors suddenly opened up for me. Rather than always second guessing myself, playing small, and resisting opportunities that felt out of my comfort zone, I got into full alignment with my soul’s plan.

I’m now living out my soul destiny:

Bringing like-minded groups of people together, Creating bonds, connection and community.  Being a catalyst for positive change.

I used to resist doing anything in groups!

Now that I’ve fully embraced my Soul Plan, my life has taken on whole new levels of joy and purpose.

I trained with the Holistic Healing College so I can help others to unlock their true gifts too.

In our online Soul Plan Session, I’ll screen-share your Soul Plan chart as we explore the challenges your soul chose for you to work through in this lifetime. You’ll feel much more compassion for yourself and any others involved in the difficulties along your life path.

Next we’ll uncover your true talents - what you were born to do. This is a real confidence booster to actually do what you’re truly good at, stop trying to be good at everything, and focus on your innate gifts. 

Then we’ll explore your goals. No longer will you be setting arbitrary, ever-changing goals based on what you think you might possibly want to achieve. Once you know the goals that are a part of your bigger soul plan, you’ll say yes to opportunities that are in alignment with your goals - and no to what’s not. Life becomes much clearer and easier.

Finally, your Soul Destiny is revealed. This is indicative of your highest potential and overall purpose. It’s who you are on a deeper level beyond your human ‘limitations’. The more you clear up your challenge energies, fully activate your talents and step into your goals, the easier you’ll step forward into your true Soul Destiny.

I use a very practical and powerful mentoring approach when sharing each aspect of your chart so you come away with tangible actions to fully embody your Soul Plan. 

Each session ends with a healing modality called Grace Clearing and True Purpose DNA Alignment. This assists in energy healing, clearing blockages and integration. I will also future pace you into fully embodying your true talents and gifts. 

Make the most of this lifetime by peeling back the layers and discovering who you truly are on a soul level.

Soul Plan Reading + Clearing and Activation

You’ll receive loving guidance on how to release what holds you back as you fully activate your talents and step confidently into what you came here to do and be. After the session you’ll be sent a copy of your Soul Plan chart and a full session recording for you to return to again and again.  

Family / Relationship Overlays

This is an especially beautiful gift for parents to better understand the energetic dynamics within the family unit to offer love and support from a deeper soul level.

This session can be used for transforming other significant relationships too. It is highly recommended to have your own Soul Plan reading done before a Relationship Overlay session.

Business Name Optimisation

Your business has a soul too! If you’re pondering name options for your business, programme or titles for your book. I can assist you in finding one in alignment with your own Soul Plan energies and the bigger purpose of your vision. Attract clients who are drawn to your special energy!